Bollywood actor Zaheer Iqbal made his relationship official with fellow celebrity Sonakshi Sinha by saying he loves her in his birthday wish on Instagram. Zaheer Iqbal shared funny Instagram videos showing them having fun on a flight. He also posted a picture of them together as well. “Happy Birthday Sonzzz Thank You for not killing me” he wrote. “I Love You Here’s to a lot more food, flights, love and laughter “P.s – This video sums up the entire time we’ve known each other The visuals made rounds just after the Dabangg actor sparked rumours of her engagement as she flaunted a huge diamond on her ring finger. Sonakshi Sinha, who is rumoured to be dating Zaheer Iqbal for quite some time, teased her fans by posting pictures with an unknown person. She showed off a huge rock as well on her ring finger in all three pictures with the same caption. She wrote it was a big day for her and she could not wait to share the news of her biggest dreams is coming true.