India’s most adored toddlers Taimur Ali Khan and Jeh Ali Khan, sons to Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor, delighted fans with their latest pictures on their aunt Saba Pataudi’s social media. In photos shared by Saba to her Instagram on Thursday, March 31, elder brother Taimur was seen getting protective over his little sibling Jeh, as he embraced him in a tight hug while playing on a couch. Saba aptly captioned the photos with several emojis, saying: “Munchkins! I got you little brother…” She also added a hashtag that said ‘#timtimtojehjaan’, ‘#brotherlove’, as well as ‘#alwaysandforever’. Fans promptly took to the comment section to shower the two with love, with many also comparing them to each parent, with one comment saying: “Tim=ditto copy of Saif and Jeh=ditto copy of Bebo! Mini Saifeena.”