LAHORE: Chief Minister Usman Buzdar has approved recruitment against 100,000 vacancies in various departments across Punjab. CM directed to ensure merit and transparency in the whole process as per rules and regulations. “The chief minister has also directed the civil administration to remove bottlenecks in the payment of salaries to ad hoc doctors.” On Thursday, Special Assistant to Chief Minister on Information Hasaan Khawar said in the first phase some 16,000 vacant posts would be filled in the school education department where 33,000 positions were lying vacant at present. Furthermore, Mr. Khawar said that 1,200 vacant posts would be filled in the primary healthcare department, 2,900 in specialized healthcare, 2,600 in higher education, 3,500 as college teachers interns, 1,200 in civil defense, 4,300 in the prisons department, and 4,800 in the revenue department. He said some over 12,000 vacancies would be filled in police and border military police. The Chief Minister had taken notice of the difficulties being faced by the doctors and ordered them to pay their salaries without any hindrance, SACM added. Moreover, he said the journey of progress had been started with 100,000 jobs. The chief minister had also been directed to initiate necessary action to fill the posts lying vacant in housing, public health engineering, local government, and other various departments.