Manoj Bajpayee’s is back to winning accolades for A Family Man, this time for the second season of the Amazon Prime Video series. After receiving immense love from the audience and critics, Manoj Bajpayee has now taken home the trophy for best actor in a leading role- India for his performance, at the Asian Academy Creative Awards 2021. Konkona Sensharma was honoured with the best actress in a leading role for her moving performance in Netflix’s anthology series Ajeeb Daastaans, where she starred in director Neeraj Ghaywan’s segment Geeli Pucchi. In fact, Geeli Pucchi also received another award- best anthology episode. Another big winner at the coveted awards was director Hansal Mehta’s SonyLIV series Scam 1992, released last year. The Pratik Gandhi-led show that followed the story of controversial businessman Harshad Mehta won two honours- best drama series and best direction for Mehta. Best male supporting actor honour went to veteran actor Naseeruddin Shah for his performance as a conservative classical singer in Amazon Prime Video’s musical Bandish Bandits. While Amruta Subhash received the best female supporting actor award for Netflix drama Bombay Begums. Filmmaker Sudhir Mishra’s Serious Men took home two trophies- best editing for Atanu Mukherjee and cinematography for Alexander Sukala. Jaaved Jaaferi received the award for best comic performance in Animals Gone Wild With Jaaved Jaaferi. Amazon Prime Video’s hit series Mirzapur season two was awarded with the best original programme by a streamer. Sanya Malhotra-starrer coming-of-age film Pagglait won writer-director Umesh Bist the best original screenplay award. Pagglait also won the best sound award.