Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Qamar Javed Bajwa visited Punjab Regimental Centre (PRC) Friday, said a statement issued by Inter Services Public Relations. During the visit, COAS appointed Lieutenant General Majid Ehsan, Inspector General Arms as Colonel Commandant of the Punjab Regiment. Outgoing Colonel Commandant of the Punjab Regiment Lieutenant General Shahid Baig Mirza (Retired), a large number of serving and retired officers and soldiers attended the ceremony. While interacting with the officers and troops, COAS appreciated the Regiment for displaying the highest standards in all professional pursuits, including their exemplary performance in operations. He also said that Pakistan Army would do all that is possible to modernize the arm of the Infantry as part of its overall drive to prepare for future threats. Earlier on arrival at Punjab Regimental Centre, COAS was received by the Incoming, Outgoing Colonel Commandants and Commandant of Punjab Regimental Centre. COAS also laid a floral wreath at Yadgar-e-Shuhada.