Actor and social worker Sonu Sood is among the celebrities who have appealed to privileged people to help the needy during the coronavirus pandemic. “It’s high time the privileged ones come forward and support such needy families. They need us. Please find them because they might not be able to find you,” Sonu Sood tweeted. His post comes after learning about the case of a 19-year-old girl who lost her brother and father due to COVID. “City: Nagpur. Day:1 Mother, Father, Brother and Sister all tested positive. Day:7 Brother dies, Mom and Dad who are critical are not informed. Day: 9 Father dies without knowing the son passed away two days ago. Day: 10 Mother is very critical. Only survivor is this 19 yr old girl,” Sonu Sood tweeted on Saturday night. And now on Sunday, Sonu Sood informed that the girl has lost her mother too. “I woke up with the news that her mom also passed away just now.”