Minister for Information and Broadcasting Chaudhry Fawad Hussain Tuesday said Prime Minister Imran Khan has directed Interior Minister Sheikh Rasheed Ahmad to visit Sindh and devise a strategy in coordination with the law enforcement agencies to improve worsening law and order situation in the province. Taking notice of grave concerns of Sindh Governor Imran Ismael and Minister for Planning, Development and Special Initiatives Asad Umer on rising crime rate in Sindh, the prime minister also directed the interior minister to submit a report in this regard. Fawad, in a tweet, said both the leaders in a meeting with the prime minister conveyed their concerns about the worsening law and order situation and governance issues in Sindh, besides rising crime rate. Interior Minister Sheikh Rashid said the prime minister has ordered him to go to Sindh and hold meeting with the Rangers. He said the prime minister issued the directives to him as lawlessness is on the rise in Sindh and the provincial police is unable to ‘deliver’. The interior minister said that the prime minister has directed him to compile a report and send it to him as soon as possible. He said he might visit the province any time to review the law and order situation. He added that he will contact Major General Iftikhar Hassan Chaudhary of Sindh Rangers. Meanwhile, Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Mahmood Khan and Gilgit Baltistan Chief Minister Khalid Khursheed Tuesday called on Prime Minister Imran Khan. During the meeting, overall situation in the provinces and development issues were discussed, PM Office Media Wing in a press release said. Prime Minister’s Special Representative for Religious Harmony Maulana Tahir Ashrafi Tuesday also called on Imran Khan. They discussed the committee headed by the minister for religious affairs over Waqf Properties Act and its positive role with regard to removal of apprehensions of Ulema and Mashaikhs. The prime minister directed his special representative to keep close contact with the Ulema and Mashaikhs, and reiterated continuation of efforts for the solidarity of Ummah.