Actor Kartik Aaryan, who recently tested negative for the deadly novel coronavirus is jumping in joy. No, not just because he fought COVID-19 like a boss and is now all fine but also because he brought home his new mean machine – a black Lamborghini Urus. Kartik Aaryan shared the welcome video of his newest addition to the fam on social media. He wrote: Kharid li….Par main shayad mehengi cheezon ke liye bana hi nahi hoon. Several celeb friends such as Bhumi Pednekar, Rohit Shetty, Dabboo Ratnani, Ashvini Yardi among others congratulated the star. Lamborghini Urus is worth crores and its India price is somewhere between Rs 3 to 4.5 cr approx, as per reports. Exhibiting versatility with varied projects in the pipeline, Kartik Aaryan venture has Dhamaka, horror-comedy Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2, comic entertainer Dostana 2 in his kitty. Kartik was diagnosed with COVID symptoms and remained under home quarantine for almost 14 days. He recently tested negative and looks like getting home the beast is the first thing he did.