Finally, the events that would lead to the much-anticipated year-ending marriage have begun as actor and screenwriter Yasir Hussain shared a cute video of him with Iqra Aziz in mehndi dresses. The actor-turned-writer and entertainer was dressed in a white colour shalwar kameez suit while the actress- who gave many hit dramas of the industry- was looking gorgeous in the traditional Mehndi dress of yellow-colour. Mehndi stain could be seen applied on the palms, face and dress of the couple, a tradition in South Asia that is followed during the event. The short video depicts the duo in a pleasant mode, with Yasir Hussain pinching Iqra Aziz’s cheek as she smiles looking towards him during the event. The fans have blessed the couple for a happy life after marriage. Earlier, on December 17, the crowd-favourite couple of Iqra Aziz and Yasir Hussain have finally confirmed their wedding date with a hilarious invitation card. Rumours were doing rounds on social media that the couple whose public engagement at an award function went viral, will be getting married this year. With Pakistan’s power couple Aziz and Hussain kicking off their wedding festivities, fellow members of the industry are over the moon to see the two stars coming together.