Immediately before 5 August 2019, while the Indian Government clamped curfew in Jammu and Kashmir and closed all media channels including telephones and internet, it also arrested all Hurriayat leaders, Farooq Abdullah, and Omer Abdullah, of the Jammu and Kashmir National Conference (NC) and Ms. Mehbooba Mufti of Jammu and Kashmir Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), who have remained Chief Ministers of the state. Then on 5 August 2019 Modi Government with an absolute majority in the Lok Sabah, amended the Indian Constitution and abrogated Article 370, thus ending the autonomous status of the state. The India’s Government also announced that the state was divided into two union territories, namely Laddakh to be controlled by the Centre and Jammu and Kashmir state to elect its own state assembly and government like other Indian states. Pakistan fiercely opposed and rejected India’s above stated actions and started highlighting India’s unilateral action of changing the legal status of Jammu and Kashmir, and the rampant atrocities being committed there by the Indian forces. Pakistan also downgraded its diplomatic relations with India, and closed the trade and transport services with it. In view of the likely threat of an action by Indian forces in Azad Kashmir, Pakistan also alerted its armed forces. China too severely criticized and rejected Indian actions in Ladakh and Jammu and Kashmir. At the same time, Pakistan and China requested the UNSC to discuss India’s illegal actions in the state. This time Pakistan’s diplomacy led by the Prime Minister and media projection of the Jammu and Kashmir situation was well received by the world leaders and the international media. It was evident from the fact that for the first time in the history the world media strongly projected Pakistan’s view point on the Jammu and Kashmir situation and the BBC, the Newyork Times and the Washington Post all negated Indian media’s false claims and stories on the subject. The NC and PDP leaders should also combine with the Hurriyat leader and join the freedom struggle by rejecting any future olive branch by India for power. Farooq Abdullah of NC and Mehbooba Mufti of PDP has already stated in the past, that they were wrong in supporting Jammu and Kashmir’s so called accession with India Pakistan’s diplomacy also achieved a great success as the UNSC held its meeting on 16 August 2019 and discussed the issue of Jammu and Kashmir dispute to prove that the issue was still on its agenda, despite India’s efforts that the meeting should not be held. Also, while China fully supported Pakistan’s position, none of the permanent members and non permanent members of the UNSC opposed Pakistan’s position. Thus, the holding of a meeting on Jammu and Kashmir by the UNSC is likely to exert pressure on India to realize its blunder of unilaterally changing the status of Jammu and Kashmir. In view of the above discussed situation, the most important question now is that how Pakistan should handle the Jammu and Kashmir dispute in future. In this context following are suggested. Pakistan should believe with no doubt that after abrogation of Article 370, Modi led BJP Government in India will never resolve the Kashmir dispute through talks unless Kashmiris’ freedom struggle becomes so strong that it compels India to sit on the table with Pakistan. Also, the permanent members of the UNSC may not be very decisive on Jammu and Kashmir dispute in view of their geopolitical interests equally linked with both Pakistan and India, but it would be necessary for Pakistan to keep all UNSC members on board on the issue to act as a pressure on India. Hence, while Pakistan should remain ever ready to blunt any Indian military move across the LoC, it should extend full political, moral and diplomatic support to the Kashmiris’ for their freedom struggle on a continuous basis. Now the people of Jammu and Kashmir should realize that they have to carry out their peaceful freedom struggle with full unity and determination till its success. In this context, the Hurriyat leaders should fully exploit Modi’s blunder of deceiving the Muslim Conference and PDP leadership by abrogating the Article 370 of the Constitution, and unite with NC and PDP leadership and the whole Jammu and Kashmir should present a united front to India by adopting the politics of non cooperation, as part of the strategy of their freedom struggle. The NC and PDP leaders should also combine with the Hurriyat leader and join the freedom struggle by rejecting any future olive branch by India for power. Farooq Abdullah of NC and Mehbooba Mufti of PDP has already stated in the past,that they were wrong in supporting Jammu and Kashmir’s so called accession with India. At the same time Pakistan’s diplomacy and media and communication channels should continue to project the peaceful freedom struggle, the imposition of curfews, black out of media and communication channels, and the atrocities being committed in Jammu and Kashmir by the Indian forces, to convince the world leaders and media on India’s highhanded ness in the state. This should be done according to a well charted out strategy on a continuous basis to make the freedom struggle a success to the extent that India seeks a dialogue with Pakistan and the Jammu and Kashmir leaders to resolve the dispute. The writer is a former Research Fellow of Islamabad Policy Research Institute (IPRI), Islamabad