The Pakistan National Council of Arts on Friday arranged a special show of “Naach Na Jaanay”, a prequel of scriptwriter and anchor Anwar Maqsood’s classic comedy from the 1980s “Angan Terha” which was being staged from Wednesday. The play was the first production of the arts council in collaboration with KopyKats Productions and had been written by legendary satirist and humorist Anwar Maqsood as a prequel of classic television drama from the golden era of PTV. The cast involves Yasir Hussain leading as Akbar, Sara Bhatti as Jahan Ara, Usman Mukhtar as Imran Khan, Hassan Raza as Mehboob Ahmed, Hina Rizvi as Sultana, Asad Gojar as Chaudhry Sahib. Akbar was one of the lead characters of “Aangan Terha”. He was a former classical dancer who was employed at Mehboob and Jahan Ara’s after dance academies closed. He kept on reminding them of both his unpaid salary and his passion as an artist. Yasir Hussain has also performed key roles in several Anwar Maqsood plays such as Pawney 14 August, Sawa 14 August, Aangan Terha in the past. He will be returning to the stage after almost seven years with Naach Na Jaanay. An official of PNCA told media that “Naach Na Jaanay” generated immense appreciation during its extended Karachi run earlier this year. “It is creating the same momentum in capital as well. Every shows is going jam packed and Islooiets appreciating this retro comedy exactly it was appreciated when first it got on aired”, he added. An official of PNCA told media that ‘Naach Na Jaanay’ generated immense appreciation during its extended Karachi run earlier this year Speaking to audience after the show, director Dawar Mehmood said that making this production as a prequel aimed at highlighting the Akbar’s story from 1978 when Zia ul Haq was in power and dance academies were closed and it was eradicated from Pakistan. It told the story of how Akbar had to find a job as a cook to make ends meet. He said it was important for our young generation to know about many things that were banned during Zia ul Haq’s era and any form of art was the best way to convey the message to youth. There were a few changes in the line-up of artists featured in the play, as compared to the Karachi run. The ensemble cast also included Usman Mukhtar, who played the role of Prime Minister Imran Khan that was essayed by director and founder of the KopyKats Productions, Dawar Mehmood during the Karachi run. The play will further be continued in Lahore after Islamabad while the income of the play will be donated to those writers, artists & poets who have spent their lives in the contribution of art. Re-creation of a classic puts heavy burden of living up to the expectation on the shoulders of creators. The response from few shows in Islamabad show has been remarkable for the production. Re-enactment of the characters who were once immortalized by acting greats like Durdana Butt, Bushra Ansari, Shakeel and the late Salim Nasir in the original TV production was definitely a challenge and KopyKats artists were doing justice with it so far. KopyKats Productions started its operations from Islamabad during the golden period of amateur theatre by Dawar Mahmood. The young, dynamic and determined actor, director and producer had setup KopyKats Productions as the first original Urdu theatre.