Muslim representation is finally making its way to the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) as the first hijab-clad character is officially getting introduced in ‘Spider-Man – Far from Home’. In the upcoming sequel to ‘Spider-Man – Homecoming’, Zoha Rahman plays Peter Parker AKA Spider-Man’s classmate joining him on a field trip across Europe. However, since the student in the first film was just an extra, Zoha Rahman is now officially the first hijab-wearing character in the MCU. In an interview with Forbes, Rahman said she did not know she was auditioning for the film until she was in the room. “I did not actually know what I was auditioning for until I was in the audition room,” Rahman said. After signing a non-disclosure agreement that she received a script with the hero’s name front and centre, which was when she found out she would be starring in ‘Spider-Man – Far from Home’. In an interview with Forbes, Rahman said she did not know she was auditioning for the film until she was in the room “It meant so much to me. For me to have the opportunity to play a character and represent so many girls that I know personally and that I love and admire,” she told Forbes. Rahman also spoke about her iconic role as Peter Parker’s Muslim friend, which she feels a hijab-clad character will help to break barriers in Hollywood. As a brown Muslim working on a Hollywood set, it was a surprising experience for her. “In all my years of dreaming about working on a Hollywood set, I never thought it would become a reality. It’s a sad by-product of the lack of representation on screen that actors like myself never truly believe in themselves,” Rahman added. Set in MCU, ‘Spider-Man – Far From Home’ sees protagonist Parker played by Tom Holland, take on his superhero responsibilities again when Samuel L Jackson’s super-spy ‘Nick Fury’, a regular ‘Avengers’ character, asks him to step up against a new threat. The film follows on from Marvel’s ‘Avengers – Endgame’, the finale to a decade-long superhero series. ‘Spider-Man – Far from Home’ begins its worldwide cinema roll-out this week.