ISLAMABAD: Inadequate policies,lackadaisical behavior and nepotism in government functionaries haveplunged young generation towards agitation, frustration andpsychological complications as rate of involving youth in criminal activities is at rise. Growing involvement of youth in criminal activities with an alarmingpace poses a serious threat to the future of the country. Surveys and study reports conducted by different national institutionshave jolted the law enforcement agencies but the civil society has notcommenced any comprehensive campaign for restoration of merit andprotection of youth’s rights. According to the details, distending partiality and discriminationhave been accepted in the country as standard, which is resulting inthe loss of institutional credibility of government departments.Delayed justice system aided by biased legislation causing youth’sinvolvement in criminal activities. Inflation rate has doubled during the last 12 months, it was 2.8 inNovember 2015 and now in November 2016 it has risen to 4.6, a reportrecently released by Pakistan Bureau of Statistics reveals. Institute for Policy Reforms has claimed by quoting the report ofGovernment Labour Force Survey ascertains that the unemployment rate inPakistan during the present government is at the highest rate in thelast thirteen years whereas educated class is more than twice joblessas compared to the illiterate. Over one million males aged between 15to 29 years are neither undergoing education nor searching for a job. Poverty and unemployment rate is at peak and 40 percent population ofthe country is deprived of even basic necessities of life, the reportreveals. A high official of Punjab Police told Daily Times on the condition ofanonymity that the recent wave of mounting crimes like theft, robbery,street crimes and target killing particularly in Lahore, mostly youthsare carrying out such activities we founded. Illegitimate and unlawful activities boosted with unemployment rate asunemployed persons opt to earn sustenance through foul activitiesbecause it is easier for them to earn money through unlawfulactivities than doing job or business, a research study conducted byPakistan Institute of Development Economics states. Research study further stated that Socio-economic deprivation,nepotism and institutional corruption pave way for indulging of youthin negative activities.