How do you keep yourself hydrated during Ramazan?
I try to drink as much water as I can between iftar and suhoor to make up for any deficiencies caused and the old totka of having yogurt in suhoor does wonders for me with keeping my thirst in control.
What is the one food item that remains the staple in your home in Ramazan? Which is one you avoid?
Pakkoras for sure! In fact, I try to avoid anything oily coming in from the market and jump directly to dinner with an additional bowl of fruit salad only from the traditional set up of iftar.
What is your gym routine like throughout the month?
I usually hit the gym right after my Isha prayers and try to keep it more strength during Ramadan than cardio to avoid any weaknesses caused by dehydration.
How is a typical Eidul Fitr day like for you every year? Will this year be any different? What are you wearing this year?
It’s always been a lot of family time for me and less friends with loads of cooking, feasting and throwing dinners, giving away gifts and pulling in lots of Eidi.