Minister for Law, Parliamentary Affairs and Local Government Basharat Raja, on Friday, iterated that the new Local Bodies Bill had been passed after consultation with the coalition partners in Punjab. He was reacting to Pakistan Muslim League-Quaid-e-Azam (PML-Q) leader Moonis Elahi’s reservations on the bill. Raja said that PML-Q was on board while finalising the bill for the new local bodies system in the province. “We are looking into his reservations”, he added. Earlier in the day, Elahi had expressed his reservations on the new local bodies’ bill, recently passed by the Punjab Assembly on the micro-blogging website, Twitter. Calling it a copy of the one being enforced in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa he remarked that the two provinces had different dynamics. The leader asked Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) to look into the matter. Earlier this week, Punjab Assembly had passed the ‘Punjab Local Government Bill 2019?. The ruling PTI had presented the draft for new local bodies’ system in the provincial assembly. Punjab assembly had also passed Punjab Panchayat and Neighborhood Council Act 2019.