As India’s elections are going on the pressure between the two neighboring countries is increasing day by day. Although these two countries are Nuclear power so there is clearly no chance of war between them. On February 14, somewhere around 40 Indian security staff were executed in a suicide assault in Kashmir’s Pulwama — India had promptly flung charges of Pakistan’s involvement in Pulwama to increase the International pressure on Pakistan, Subsequently on Feb 26, Indian warplanes violated Pakistani airspace and New Delhi reportedly claimed that a Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) preparing camp was destroyed killing more than 300 men — a case never proven by Indian Government. Does the question emerge that why India is doing all this? Why are they putting pressure on Pakistan? Numerous individuals will say it’s equitable to get a political favorable position in elections; however, there is significantly more to it. The truth is that this won’t stop even after elections. It’s partially about Indian elections but mostly about Kashmir. In the previous 5 years, we have been seeing that Pakistan has been talking about Kashmir issue every now and then in OIC and UNO. India needs to get the Kashmir issue resolved as quickly as time permits because of CPEC. India, who is opposing CPEC realizes that after $62 Billion Dollar venture Pakistan will end up as one of the incredible economies and after that, pressure amusement won’t work on Pakistan. Thanks to our nuclear program, the pressure game doesn’t affect us much. The pressure game won’t end with the end of Indian elections but when Kashmir issue will be solved. Pakistan’s economy is trying to get back on track and this is what India fears the most. Once Pakistani economy is restored by the help of our all-season friend China due to CPEC’s $62 billion investment, India’s threat of violation of Indus water treaty or stopping the exports of goods won’t affect Pakistan. India knows and fears this that is why India is increasing the pressure game on Pakistan. Background Event Related to Kashmir 2016 Uri attack Similarly On September 18, 2016, as indicated by India four terrorists assaulted the Indian Army Brigade outside the town of Uri in the Kashmir Valley. The terrorists tossed roughly 17 explosives which set fuel tanks ablaze. The flame spread to the resting quarters and a few tents around the detachment. Eighteen fighters were killed in the assault and another 32 were injured. After this assault, India blamed Pakistan for it however Pakistan’s position was different. Pakistan said that instead of accusing them give proofs. Proofs were never given to Pakistan. Even after India was unable to prove their claims, India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi scrutinized Pakistan and urged for international isolation of Pakistan. Only because of the two nation’s atomic program, India’s position changed from War to strategic battle against Pakistan. Current Relations between the Two Nations Today, India and Pakistan have stressed relations. The two nations spent the latter part of the 1990’s in an atomic weapons race. There has been violence on the borders for a long time now, with incidents in 2011, 2013, 2014, and 2015. The citizens of Kashmir and the military presence there have been engaged in conflict from the beginning. This territory is Muslim dominated but it’s under Indian control.