University life is always like a roller coaster ride. It is an experience which broadens our horizons and transforms us into a completely new human being. All this time we are studying, we want to graduate, but when finally we reach towards the end of the road, a bomb of mixed feelings begin to explode, setting in us feelings of uncertainty. We have listed down a few things that fresh graduates fear. What next? The fear of what is going to happen next takes over as soon as you realize you are about to graduate. You are never sure if you want to apply for your masters, wish to travel, or want to apply for a job and so forth. Not to forget the thousands of questions that are bombarded on you by people who pretend to show concern. Fear of losing friends University life is insignificant and incomplete without your university FAM. Fear of losing friends is what all graduates experience. Even though they try to suppress this thought, but every person from the graduating lot has a tiny bit of fear of losing his or her friends somewhere in his heart No more random hangouts No more university means a big ‘no’ to random hangouts. Now you have to have those long conversations on Whatsapp, deal with everybody’s schedule, and only then be able to meet your friends. Also, let’s not forget that these plans are rarely ever successful. You finally have to adult “You are not a kid anymore” is the most common thing you will get to hear once you graduate. Every other person will try to knock this into your head, and will make you realize that, now, it is high time you should start adulting. No fresh graduates discount So all this time you were in university you enjoyed all the “Students Only” offers, but after you graduate you are not applicable for these. Fresh graduates are as broke as they were in university, but no one cares this time around. Thinking your degree is useless There is going to be a point in your life when you will start doubting your skills, your talent, and even your degree.