KARACHI: The ongoing development program under Rs 10 billion Mega Development Projects in different parts of Karachi sans any monitoring system. There is no expert team to monitor these development projects, which are being run under Project Directorate, Local Government Sindh, members of Karachi Constructors Association (KCA) have alleged. Niaz Soomro is the Project Director of this Directorate, which was designed in March 2016 under the directions of Murad Ali Shah, Sindh Chief Minister. This move of Sindh government is aimed to delay the delegation of local body powers to Mayor and Deputy Mayor and to keep the controling powers of Karachi Metropolitan Corporation (KMC), rather than to share powers with public office elected members of the civic entity, KCA claimed. Inspection and Quality Control Engineering Department (IQCED KMC) has not been tasked to check the quality of material, on the spot checking and preparation of report in case of any discrepancy in work under prescribed rules and standards of work, Naeem Kazmi, President KCA informed. However there are some development sites, where private consultants have been appointed. They are held responsible to keep watch on quality of work and allied construction matters. In case of any failure in this respect they can be fined and or even fired from the responsibilities. Kazmi said that there should be a system of check and balance under Pakistan Engineering Council and Sindh Public Procurement Regulatory Authority’s rules and regulations. He claimed, “In case of setting up any directorate, approval of Sindh assembly is mandatory in this regard”. IQCED KMC should also take responsibility for checking quality of work etc on the development sites, but IQCED KMC is reluctant. “May be development work on different sites has become controversial, but KMC should show its responsibility for the sake of citizens of Karachi, who would be the ultimate end users of these development projects”, he remarked.