BAHAWALPUR: Inspector General Mushtaq Sukhera on Sunday urged police officials to protect helpless people. He said this while addressing a farewell meeting at Police Lines Bahawalpur. Recently retired Khyber Pakhtunkhwa IG Nasir Durrani has set a precedent for young officials to serve the downtrodden people without any fear or awe. It seems that the Punjab IG was trying to emulate his counterpart… unfortunately he missed his bus. “Modern policing derives its legitimacy through public confidence and trust through not only upholding the law of the land but by serving the common people,” he noted. He also said Punjab Police is one of the leading police forces in the South Asia. “Come what may, always adhere to stand with the oppressed, helpless and downtrodden citizens who are the real masters of motherland,” IG said. He said that Punjab Police had been provided with state-of-the-art IT facilities through a comprehensive process of digitalisation which has not only enhanced the capacity building but also modernised the operational system. “Through digitalization the investigation process would enable the police officials to streamline the policing to track down criminals and ensure speedy justice to accelerate the pace of disposing off criminal cases.” IG said. He said, “As many as 712 police stations have been linked through computerized system and the entire data of 36 districts of the province has been digitalized which would sharpen the operational process to wipe out the incidents of criminality in the society”. He said, “Our police martyrs are the real heroes of the nation who sacrificed their lives in the line of duty, therefore, it is our collective responsibility to look after the families of the martyrs. The government has approved a special martyrs’ package which includes a compensation amount of Rs 23.5 million to be provided to the heirs of the martyred constables and head constables. This package includes monetary compensation of Rs 10 million and Rs 13.5 million either in the shape of a 5 marla house or cash.” He also said that comprehensive measures have been undertaken for the welfare of 126,000 constables serving in the police. He said that the monthly compensation amount for the widow of the martyrs has been increased up to Rs 6,000 monthly and stipend has been fixed at Rs 1,000 per child. The system of extending economic relief has been linked through IT system and ATM cards have been provided to the widows of the martyrs. He said that this monetary compensation practically demonstrates the commitment and dedication of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif to extend tangible, solid and effective economic relief to the heirs of the martyrs. Earlier, Bahawalpur Regional Police Officer Idrees Ahmad paid rich tribute to ‘illustrious’ and ‘shining’ 35 years career of Sukhera.