The 299th annual urs of renowned Sufi Saint Hazrat Shah Inayat Qadri was inaugurated by Secretary Auqaf Dr. Tahir Raza Bukhari, along with other dignitaries and personalities, here on Sunday. A large number of devotees participated in the ceremony and special dua was offered for national unity, harmony and stability of the country. “There is a need to seek guidance from the way of life of the Sufis,” said Dr. Tahir Raza Bukhari. He said that the Qadri Sufis have had a profound impact on Lahore’s culture. “The shrines of Sufis are centres of comfort and spiritual satisfaction,” he added. “To establish a welfare society, we need to draw inspiration from the ideology and practices of the Sufis,” emphasized Dr. Tahir Raza Bukhari. “The Sufis served humanity beyond the divisions of religion, sect, and race,” remarked the Auqaf secretary. The local police and Auqaf Department made comprehensive arrangements for the annual celebration.