The Accountability Court in Lahore Thursday approved the NAB’s request to close the reference against former Vice-Chancellor Dr Mujahid Kamran and others related to alleged illegal appointments and corruption at Punjab University (PU). The court dismissed the reference, acquitting Dr Mujahid Kamran and all other accused. Judge Qamar-uz-Zaman of the Accountability Court announced the verdict on the request submitted by the National Accountability Bureau (NAB). NAB Lahore had previously filed a detailed report in the court, requesting the withdrawal of the reference. In its report, NAB explained the grounds for withdrawing the reference, stating that after a thorough review, there was insufficient evidence against the accused, and no corruption or misuse of authority could be proven. The report further highlighted that the allegations against Dr Mujahid Kamran and others could not be substantiated, and therefore, NAB requested the court to approve the withdrawal of the reference.