‘Bad Newz’ actor Triptii Dimri is reportedly being considered to play the lead role in a biopic on the late Bollywood actress Parveen Babi. According to Indian media outlets, the film is scheduled to be produced soon and will reportedly shed light on the late actress’s life and career in Bollywood. While reports said that Triptii Dimri might play the lead role in the movie, details regarding production, director and other cast members have not been announced yet. Perveen Babi was a renowned actress, known for her captivating performances and glamorous persona. During her career in the 1970s and 1980s, she starred in critically acclaimed movies such as Deewar, Amar Akbar Anthony and Khatta Meetha. However, the Bollywood veteran faced several problems in her professional and personal life including struggles with mental health and her eventual retreat from the limelight. Triptii Dimri is mostly known for her roles in “Animal”, “Qala”, “Laila Majnu” and ‘Bad Newz.’ Last year, Indian actor-model Urvashi Rautela was accused of lying about doing the lead role in the biopic of Parveen Babi. Rautela had claimed that she attended the Cannes Film Festival 2023 for the photocall launch of the upcoming biopic film of Parveen Babi. However, the absence of any of the makers of the said film from the festival raised suspicions over her claims. Later, Indian entertainment outlets suggested that the actor faked her casting in the title about the life of the yesteryear star. “It is very clear that she is lying and it is bogus news. There is no such project being made,” a well-placed industry source told the publication.