In yet another sexual assault incident, a female student of Islamia University Bahawalnagar was ‘abducted and raped’ by a rickshaw driver. As per details, a rickshaw driver abducted the university’s female student with the help of his accomplice and raped her multiple times. According to police, the rapists made videos and took pictures of the rap-victim girl and took her thumb impression on a blank paper. A case has been registered against the rapists on the complaint of the female student, while raids were being conducted for arrest. Last month, a 12-year-old girl was ‘raped’ in Islamabad’s F-9 park. The child’s mother, who is a widow and a housemaid, filed a complaint at Margalla Police Station, alleging that the child was taken out of her house in F-11/1 by a woman named Mehreen and later to F-9 Park. However, the child returned home crying at 11 pm and told the mother she was ‘sexually assaulted’. The mother told police that she is divorced and lives alone with her daughter and makes ends meet by working in people’s houses as a maid.