Actor Momina Iqbal broke the internet with her stunning looks in the new viral lip-sync reel. Taking to her Instagram handle on Monday afternoon, Momina Iqbal treated her million followers on the social platform with a new mirror selfie reel, mouthing a quote by Indian rapper-comedian Munawar Faruqui from one of his stand-up shows, while it also played in the background of the clip. “On demand,” she wrote in the caption of the video post, followed by a series of emojis. Thousands of her fans on Gram watched the reel and showered their love on the now-viral post with likes and comments. With more than a million followers on her official Instagram handle, Momina Iqbal frequently turns to the platform to share updates about her personal as well as professional life on the feed and stories. Earlier this week, she also posted a four-picture gallery, showing off her ‘weekend vibes’. “Happiness over everything and anything,” penned the actor in the caption with a crown emoji. Meanwhile, on the work front, she last received acclaim for her performance as Falak in the recently-ended drama serial ‘Ehsaan Faramosh’, co-starring Humayun Ashraf, Mashal Khan and Salman Saeed.