Recently, some Salman Khan fans took to their Instagram handles to share a few pictures and videos along with the actor and his father Salim Khan at their Galaxy Apartment. From the pictures, it could be very well figured out that the actor has undergone an impressive physical transformation. He might have seemingly bulked up for his upcoming patriotic film The Bull, directed by Vishnuvardhan, which required him to change his body structure and the actor has been undergoing rigorous training for the same. Salman Khan, a highly popular actor, is putting in maximum effort to get ready for his upcoming project, Bull. Directed by Vishnuvardhan, the movie features him portraying the character of Brigadier Farukh Bulsara. To prepare for the role, Salman has been undergoing intense physical training. As per a source, Salman Khan is set to portray Brigadier Farukh Bulsara, the leader of Operation Cactus in 1988 in the Maldives.