In a shocking incident, a man’s body was found hanging from a bridge in Islamabad, a private TV channel reported on Monday reported on Monday, citing police. The body kept on hanging for several hours as it was not visible due to dense fog in Islamabad. As per details, the deceased man whose body was retrieved from the bridge has been identified as Umar, a resident of Mardan’s Katlang area. The police in its initial report said that the youth had committed suicide, while the investigation has been launched. Police officials stated that the family of the deceased man was not found even after several hours had passed. Whereas, the hospital administration said that the incident seemed to be a suicide as per the initial investigation. Last month, in a shocking incident, a man committed suicide after shooting two in Shah Latif Town Karachi. The incident occurred in Shah Latif Town where two men identified as Habib Ullah and Wahid sustained injuries and the accused Babar committed suicide by shooting himself. The police officials said that more than 32 bullet shells were recovered from the spot of the incident. According to police, a dispute was going on between the landlord and tenant. The accused moved his family to another place a few days ago.