In a heart-touching story, a die-hard fan of Bollywood King Shah Rukh Khan went to watch the actor’s latest movie, ‘Jawan’ in theatres while on a ventilator. As anticipated, Shah Rukh Khan’s ‘Jawan’ emerged as one of Bollywood’s biggest blockbusters. The film, directed by Atlee, features Nayanthara, Vijay Sethupathi, Sanya Malhotra, Priyamani and others in key roles. ‘Jawan’ is going crazy among fans and one such incident has caught the attention of all. A social media influencer named Rohit Gupta has shared a video of Shah Rukh Khan’s die-hard fan who went to watch the film while on a ventilator. Despite being seriously ill, a fan named Anees Farooqi was seen reaching the theatre to watch his beloved actor’s film. The video has gone viral on social media, where fans have tried to draw the attention of the actor towards his condition. The video has gone crazy viral with netizens praising Farooqi for his utmost love for Shah Rukh Khan and his willpower. The clip was shared on Twitter by a user named @SRKsCombatant with the caption, “IMMENSE RESPECT: Anees farooqi , a physically challenged guy visits to watch #Jawan on Ventilator.. Proud to be a @iamsrk fan…” The clip shows Anees Farooqi sitting on a wheelchair while he enjoys the film. Now, netizens are trying to reach the star and bring Farooqi’s condition to his attention. The Atlee directorial released in theatres on September 7 and recorded the highest-ever opening figures in the history of Hindi cinema as it made INR 75 crore. Now, the film has been in the theatres for over a week and on its ninth day, the Shah Rukh Khan film raked in INR 21 crore, as per Indian media. This takes Jawan’s domestic net collection to INR 410.88 crore in India. According to film trade analyst Manobala Vijayabalan on Saturday, Jawan has crossed the INR 700 crore gross mark globally on day nine of its release.