Sir: Cases of medical negligence are becoming frighteningly common in our government hospitals. Incorrect blood transfusions, under-equipped blood banks, lack of sterilised medical supplies, proper sanitary care and delayed attention given to acute patients are seen to occur in all of Lahore’s main government hospitals. Further, there is no coordination between various facilities to ensure proper care. For example, some hospitals do not have proper paediatric facilities and are yet admitting babies and young patients. Other hospitals do not even have basic anaesthesia facilities! Since there is a limited allowance of legal action that can be taken against such negligence, the medical staff seems to have become increasingly careless. It is sad that they do not realise the responsibility of human life that rests on their shoulders. Several cases are under investigation, many more remain unreported. At a time when our government is trying to pull the nation out of various crises, the government health sector also needs immediate attention and a drastic improvement in the quality of facilities provided to the patients. The government health ministries should review past cases of negligence and take action against those involved so that such cases are prevented in the future. Lives depend on it. SARWAT ABBASLahore