A 20-year-old girl was reportedly missing from Pir Syed Sohail Ahmad Shah’s mansion in Khairpur’s Ranipur, Sindh, national media reported on Monday. The girl hailed from Meena village in the Qamber area and was handed over to the Pir by her parents until a domestic dispute between the two parties was resolved. According to the parents, Pir Shah had asked for the girl to be left at his mansion until their dispute was resolved. However, they claimed that they received a call all of a sudden mentioning their daughter’s disappearance. The parents lamented that despite searching the mansion and its surroundings several times, they were not informed about her whereabouts. They further added that the Ranipur police station did not lodge a complaint regarding their daughter’s case despite several attempts. The girl’s family protested against Pir Shah and demanded the Sindh caretaker chief minister and the police immediately recover their daughter. Earlier this week, a 10-year-old maid passed away under mysterious circumstances at the residence of an influential person in the same area of Ranipur. Initial findings revealed that the unfortunate incident occurred within the premises of Pir Asad Shah Jilani’s Haveli. According to police sources, CCTV footage from the house’s bedroom revealed the distressed condition of 10-year-old Fatima. Marks of torture were clearly visible on the victim’s body in other footage that went viral on social media following the tragic incident. However, the mother of the deceased stated in her testimony that her daughter was working at Shah’s house when she passed away. The parents of the girl denied any occurrence of torture, claiming that Fatima was ill and receiving treatment.