In the third episode of the hugely popular series Don, Ranveer Singh has officially taken over for Shah Rukh Khan, the King of Bollywood. Fans assumed that Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani’s star would take over when the action-thriller movie’ director, Farhan Akhtar, stated that the Jawan actor had graciously left the franchise. The much-anticipated Don 3 trailer, which has Singh radiating his killer looks as the next Don in town following SRK, confirmed the rumours when Akhtar released it. Amitabh Bachchan, a living legend, played the title role in the 1978 smash blockbuster movie of the same name. Amir Khan then took on the role in films released in 2006 and 2011. There were conflicting emotions when Singh was revealed to be Don. While some are excitedly anticipating the movie, which is set to hit theatres in 2025, others have threatened the director with a boycott. As Singh takes on the role of the new Don, “NO SRK NO DON” has been trending on Twitter among some of Khan’s supporters. Another person commented, “Ranveer Singh is a great actor, but every time I hear the word “Don,” I picture SRK doing it.” Some social media users also swarmed Akhtar’s Instagram comment section after he teased that Khan would no longer be returning to the hit franchise. “We will never accept Don 3 without SRK,” one fan commented on Akhtar’s post about Khan’s exit from the movie. “WE WILL BOYCOTT DON 3 WITHOUT SHAHRUKH KHAN.”