Lollywood diva Zara Noor Abbas has once again stunned the social media with her impressive dance moves. She hails from a talented family of great artists and it is rightly depicted in her skills. Her mother, husband and aunts are great actors indeed. Zara has keen interest in dance and music other than the acting and she keeps her fans updated with her creative skills. Her love for music also shines brightly as the Badshah Begum actor has also showcased her singing abilities. Taking to Instagram, Zebaish actor shared her video dancing gracefully to Hassan and Roshaan’s song. Her latest moves showed her interest in the classical dance. “Clearing my camera roll part 2.” she captioned the post. The comment section overflowed with love for the elegant actor. Earlier, her dance video of a wedding party also went viral few months ago. Zara has appeared in several hit dramas including Badshah Begum, Phaans, Dil Tera Hogaya, Zebaish and Deewar-e-Shab.