After breaking all records in Pakistan, blockbuster drama “Meray Paas Tum Ho” is all set to hit India. The Humayun Saeed, Ayeza Khan and Adnan Siddiqui-starrer drama will now be available for Indian fans on Zee Zindagi. The drama remained talk of the town as it captured the hearts of millions when it was first aired in 2019 in Pakistan. Written by Khalilur Rehman Qamar, “Mere Paas Tum Ho” became a blockbuster hit and still continues to hold immense popularity even after four years. Ayeza Khan played the role of Mehwish, a character known for her negative traits, as she betrays her husband Danish. Adnan Siddiqui also gave excellent performance in the drama and the unforgettable dialogues further contributed to its massive success. All the actors of drama touched the height of popularity due to the dialogue delivery and powerful script. The drama’s last episode was watched by over 70 million viewers and it is still talk of the town. The Indian channel has previously aired several Pakistani dramas including Qissa Meharbano Ka, Aasmaanon Pe Likha and Hum Kahan Ke Sachay Thay. Taking to Instagram, Zee Zindagi shared the trailer of the popular drama. “What happens when you feel money can buy happiness? Meray Paas Tum Ho, coming soon on Indian Television screens!” The show will air on Aug 2.