The focus of the entertainment business has been on Shah Rukh Khan’s next movie, “Jawan,” for a long time. Even though the June 2 release date has past, supporters are still anticipating the September 7th release with the same fervour they did almost a month ago. With every day that goes by, the expectation and buzz surrounding the movie intensify. The box office success of “Pathaan,” which exceeded the 1000 crore mark, is anticipated to increase the early excitement for “Jawan.” Soon to be released trailer for the movie is anticipated to set the stage for Shah Rukh Khan to star in a blockbuster. The teaser is ready to be viewed by eager fans, according to a source close to the movie. The source shared some intriguing information and said that the teaser has everything needed to hold the audience’s attention. According to them, “Jawan” offers more masala (fun) than Shah Rukh Khan’s previous movie, “Raees.” The teaser shows a darker and broodier aspect of the actor’s character, exceeding expectations and critics have praised the actor’s performance as being top-notch. Although “Raees” was a good movie, there were rumours that previous draughts had a darker and less mainstream tone, giving rise to hopes for a different film. The source mockingly called it the “#DholakiaCut” and sarcastically advised requesting its release from the filmmakers. Shah Rukh Khan’s portrayal has been defined as monstrous in Atlee’s imagination and is anticipated to have a significant impact on the big screen. It’s claimed that the teaser creates just enough anticipation without giving away too much. It is anticipated to raise a lot of anticipation and act almost like a trailer in and of itself.