Renowned actor Nawazuddin Siddiqui, in the midst of promoting his upcoming film “Jogira Sa Ra Ra,” delved into a discussion about depression and highlighted the contrasting viewpoints between urban and rural areas. Reflecting on his own background, Siddiqui shared that in his rural upbringing, mentioning depression to his father would have earned him a slap, as it was considered non-existent and happiness prevailed in villages. During an interview with Mashable India, Siddiqui revealed that after moving to the city, he became aware of terms like anxiety, depression, and bipolar disorder. He expressed his observation that in urban areas, people tend to “glorify” even the smallest of emotions, while villages maintain a culture where happiness prevails and concepts like depression are not prevalent. The actor’s candid remarks shed light on the differing realities faced by individuals in urban and rural communities when it comes to mental health. While urban areas often provide more accessibility and recognition of mental health issues, Siddiqui believes that villages hold a perspective where happiness is dominant and depression is unheard of. However, it is crucial to remember that depression is a prevalent mental health disorder globally, affecting millions of people. The World Health Organisation reports that over 264 million individuals of all ages suffer from depression worldwide. It is not merely occasional sadness but a condition that significantly impacts daily life, relationships and overall well-being. Siddiqui’s discussion brings attention to the need for increased awareness and understanding of mental health across diverse communities. While perspectives may differ, it is vital to acknowledge the importance of mental well-being and provide support to those who may be struggling, regardless of their background or location.