“Mujhe Pyaar Hua Tha,” a popular drama serial in Pakistan, has been receiving mixed reviews from its audience despite featuring Wahaj Ali and Hania Aamir, two of the most popular actors in the industry. While viewers praised the male lead character Saad, played by Wahaj Ali, for being respectful and loving, they criticised the drama’s storyline for being unrealistic and over-the-top. Many viewers have grown frustrated with the constant crying of Maheer, the frequent hospital visits of Areeb and the thankless attitude of the other characters towards Saad. The parents’ characters, particularly Salma Hassan’s, were also criticised for being overly dramatic and unrealistic. In contrast, Saad’s sister Neelo, portrayed by Rabya Kulsoom, has been a source of comfort for viewers. In the latest episode, she stood up for her brother and insulted Maheer, which viewers applauded. Despite its flaws, “Mujhe Pyaar Hua Tha” has managed to garner a significant following due to its viral title song and the popularity of its lead actors. However, with the storyline becoming increasingly frustrating, it remains to be seen whether the drama will be able to maintain its viewership in the coming episodes.