Inspector General Police Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Akhtar Hayat Gandapur on Tuesday said the twin blasts at Kabal counter-terrorism department’s police station were caused by the eruption of fire in its ammunition depot Monday night and rejected reports that it was caused by a suicide attack. Talking to media persons, the IGP clarified that it was incorrect that the blasts were caused by a terrorist group or made through suicide attack. He said that explosive weapons and ammunition stored in the depot caught fire resulting in two huge explosions in an interval of 12 minutes that rocked Kabal tehsil. Akhtar Hayat said that 15 people including nine policemen and six civilians were martyred in the incident. He said that five prisoners were also among the dead. He said the casualties were caused mostly by the wreckage of the building. The IGP expressed condolences to the victims’ families and prayed for the departed souls. The debris removal continued on Tuesday, with shops in nearby markets also severely damaged due to the incident. A mass funeral for the martyred police officers was held at the Kabal police line. After the incident, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif took to Twitter to “strongly condemn the suicide attack” on the CTD police station in Swat.