A local court of Islamabad on Friday sent Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf’s leader Chaudhry Fawad Hussain to the Adiala Jail on judicial remand in a case of inciting the public to violence against the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP). The Islamabad Police produced the accused before the court of Judicial Magistrate Waqas Ahmed Raja at the end of his physical remand time and requested seven days more physical remand. The prosecutor informed the court that the accused’s voice had been matched and there was a need to conduct his photogrammetric test from Lahore. The threatening words used by him were for the Chief Election Commissioner and the caretaker Punjab chief minister. He said the police had yet to make recoveries from the accused and for that his further physical remand was required. Practically the prosecution was granted a one-day physical remand of the accused. The ECP’s lawyer said the statement of the accused was on record and he had also admitted it in court. He had tried to spread hatred against the ECP and used objectionable words against it. He was pressurising a constitutional institution. He said Fawad was a senior politician but no one was above the law. It was necessary to search his house in his presence.Other persons were also involved in the matter as a targeted campaign was underway against CEC, he added. Defence lawyer Dr Babar Awan said the complainant in the case was a government servant. The public servants were not part of provincial and federal governments. It was the responsibility of the ECP was to conduct elections, he added. He said Fawad was not a terrorist and prayed the court to quash the first information report. During the hearing, the court directed the police to uncuff the accused and reserved its judgment. Later, it ordered to send the accused to jail on judicial remand. Fawad also held a meeting with his family members on the occasion.