The failed state bogey on February 8, 2011Last week, I argued we were far from a ‘failed’ (or, a ‘failing’) state, though it would be a serious folly to be unconcerned with the rocky and potholed road ahead we must travel. Conversely, it is a mistake to judge the picture standing too close to it, as is being done by many a […]
A different perspective on February 1, 2011These are trying, testing, and confusing times for Pakistanis of goodwill and sanity; for those of us who wish no truck with this insane talk of revolution, bloody or otherwise; for those of us who understand the historically destructive blind alley that is authoritarianism, whether it be socialist, military, or theocratic; and for those of […]
My friend, the governor on January 18, 2011For the past few years, a few good friends and I have invariably spent the weeks surrounding the New Year in Morocco. This year was no different. A little relaxing time away from the turmoil that is Pakistan is something to look forward to. Even though the winter months are the rainy season in that […]
Annual roundup: 2009 on December 29, 2009The time of the year has come round again for this annual ritual column. The idea is to regale you by remembering some of the more absurd reported inanities of the human species that tickled my fancy in the preceding 12 months. Given that this year also marks the end of the first decade of […]
Mental workout on September 30, 2008I have it all worked out. At least, I think I have it all worked out.But why this sudden qualification of a confident initial assertion, you ask? That is because, before you work it all out, it is obvious that you must first work out how exactly you are going to work it all out.For, […]
Farewell, 2007 on January 1, 2008It was my original intention to continue this week discussing the nature of ‘Reality’, and why mathematics appears to be so wonderfully suited for the task. For, I happen to be still wholly absorbed in a personal mental struggle with Penrose’s magnificent book, ‘The Road to Reality’. That it is tough reading, even for one […]
London London nahin rihya on July 31, 2007I enjoyed reading in DT all those nostalgic ‘Lahore Lahore Aye’ columns, by A Hamid. Apart from anything else, his remembering the city as it was half a century ago, and reminiscing about some of its more colourful inhabitants of days gone by, reminded me of my own college days here in the mid-fifties. Yes, […]