Offenders with “Schizophrenia” on May 2, 2020Schizophrenia affects 20 million people worldwide but is not as common as many other mental disorders. As per the Medical Legal Dictionary, “schizophrenia” is one of the group of severe emotional disorder, usually of psychotic proportions, characterized by misinterpretation and retreat from reality, delusions, hallucinations, ambivalence, inappropriate effect, and withdrawn, bizarre, or regressive behaviour; popularly […]
Cards the Sharifs can still play on July 14, 2018The Sharifs argue that there are several inconsistencies, legal lacunas and contradictions in the evidence that was provided by the prosecution in the Avenfield case. If this is true, the Sharifs can still question the legality of the conviction and the subsequent sentences awarded to them by the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) Court. They could […]