The changing ME political landscape and Pakistan on May 17, 2014In the wake of high profile visits from Saudi Arabia and Bahrain to Islamabad and a mysterious $ 1.5 billion gift that Pakistan received, speculations were rife about what was going to happen next. But then, in apparent dissolution of the whole buildup, came the visit of the Pakistani premier to Iran. What is going […]
The myth of maturity on April 18, 2014We get to listen to a lot of drivel in the name of analysis. Daily, for hours. One would think it would be hard to pick the worst from such a huge pile. Not quite. It is conspicuous for its arrant senselessness: Nawaz Sharif has matured! This was said before May 11, on May 11, […]
Egypt a mirror to the world on April 6, 2014Egyptian courts are handing down death sentences for hundreds of Morsi supporters. Barbaric. Al Sisi quits as military chief to contest the presidential election. A sham election, everyone knows. So much for democracy in Egypt. Considering that we have plenty of them going on in our own country, which we choose to remain silent about […]
A role for religion on March 20, 2014Since the beginning of his conscious existence on the planet, man has been theorizing about, experimenting with, and improving his ideals for life and the systems that help him achieve those ideals. From brutish cave-dwelling hunters in a stateless era to free thinking citizens of modern day democratic states, his has been a painful but […]
Musharrafs trial and related questions on January 11, 2014For quite a few days now, ours has been a media space of pandemonium, thanks to the tumult surrounding Musharraf’s trial. While most of the voices have called for his head, a few could be heard eulogising him also. There is a host of variant versions of the two broader categories as well. Most of […]