The cost of conflictWhat Pakistan lacks, although it may sound trite, is resolving public and government problems through resources of the private sector. This has been aptly personified in a book by Karl Zinsmeister on...
Our water woesA severe water scarcity is knocking at our doors and will lead to disaster if action is not taken. No one denies the fact that water is an essential resource, but regrettably, this precious resource i...
What laws govern the air and the sea?Do criminals get away with illegal activities within international waters or when they are at a high altitude? Are maritime and aviation laws questionable because of the issue of jurisdiction? Perhaps...
How will the prevailing economic turmoil effect PTI?Pakistan is going through one of its worprevailingst economic and governance crises in its 70 years history. Economic indicators are posing a negative trend continuously for some years. The fiscal and...