There were over million world-class economists comfortably awake on the eve of the world’s largest financial collapse whom never saw the signs of crash. Similar scenes now emerge all over the world. For Pakistan, the world’s sixth most populated country is now at the crossroads of new prosperity. The geographical location provides brand new opportunities, the overflow of free technologies across the nation open new landscapes and the rise of human talent is combined into creating a new era for Pakistan. Funding Free Revolutions: In commerce, there are some sleeping giants that are slowly awakening, here are four such happenings: Such movements do not require any funding but demand smart skills sets and mastery of global age. E-commerce: The 200 million plus population with rising consumerism creates one of the largest primed market for E-commerce. This area of commercialization requires a lot of advanced strategies so that the market is properly captured with sophisticated optimization of trade both local and overseas. The prime concept of being a national player is somewhat clear but being in a global sea of 5 billion connected people is still a bridge too. On E-commerce, Pakistan is a goldmine but it demands skilful mining and tactical deployments with national coverage and global age expertise. The current notion of Pakistan doing One US Billion dollars is like a single drip in the bucket of multi-trillion-dollar market. The world’s sixth largest population country can easily do ten times better than this. With 100 plus ideas on how to succeed in commerce already on the internet, most talk about creative and flashy websites with amazing photography and product display features, menu bars and tips on how to personalize and create endless loops. Little is talked about catalogue-merchandizing and deluxe-direct-marketing-response-ability on how to really understand customers and satisfy their desires in some interesting sequences. Here are three performance builders. Merchandising: eat, sleep and live merchandising. How and why are catalogues built and how are they deployed — deep study is crucial. Response: how does responsive behavior workand how do repeat orders become a natural process? Service: why are e-commerce customers provided deluxe services? Exportability: Mathematically, Pakistan can export USD$1 billion per day, but what’s blocking it? Unless there is new thinking, like the Mobilization of free technologies blended with sleeping talents while discovering hidden resources, little will improve. Today’s world is all about technology, more so the ‘invisible type’ like what fills the empty rooms, streaming like Niagara Falls. The metadata sinks entire kitchens and bedrooms of the world every night and flooding office buildings all day. It will take a high-caliber discussion of many sessions to appreciate this happening to every other 5 billion habitants around the world. How can one swim to alter game plans to newer depths? All trade groups and Chambers need to create deluxe profiles for each big and small member indicating features of their production and capacity with pictures and all critical links to make them visible to the national and global transactional options with high accessibility. The worst enemy of economy is not the corruption but incompetency; special skills to face up to global age, mental endurance and emotional elasticity to stand up to major change. The fact that Pakistan is already touching so many bottoms, it only points to so many ups Such transformations do not require funding as technologies are free but minds and intelligencia has to open up to this global age demand. Once mandated any large or small association or chamber can achieve this within a month. Fact: An entire nation can achieve all this within 90 days. Talent: How to awaken the sleeping talent? All trade group members, all midsize business owners, all gatekeepers mandated to foster the economy must receive daily briefings, training, personal developments and exportability ideas to open up a new world. A full year program, serious, super-deluxe, world-class active round the clock, 24x7x365, so the recipients would be able to engage whenever and wherever they like via the internet and mobile devices. Such national deployments are almost free. As laid out by Expothon Strategy and discussed at Octara Debates at PKR 100.00 per person per hour will transform national entrepreneurialism and the mid-size business economy to new heights of innovative performance and exportability. No university or other educational system can tackle this. Fact: A national program for few or all regions running 24x7x365 can be activated in only 100 days. The worst enemy of economy is not the corruption but incompetency; special skills to face up to global age, mental endurance and emotional elasticity to stand up to major change. The fact Pakistan is already touching so many bottoms, it only points to so many ups… the new races to acquire new competencies are about to start Diaspora: The global Pakistani Diaspora, is a goldmine of talent and new wealth; one of the most disturbing things that irks foreign Pakistanis is the century old thinking in Pakistan; broken-down links, outdated websites, dead and unresponsive emails, useless and old information and no regards to timelines or any serious discussion at all levels. The above-mentioned plan one and two, already take care most of this but furthermore, a high class digitally maintained Bureau, with super-efficient level world-class communication at par or even superior to where diaspora is originally based, servicing and attracting alliances, investment and new talented ideas. This deployment is almost all free and only requires mental endurance, world-class experiences and determination to create a superb organization. Learn to re-learn, face the change, the rest is easy. The writer is Chairman Expothon Worldwide, Creators of Octara Debates, Published in Daily Times, November 1st 2018.