Pakistani TV actor and host Javeria Saud explained why she does not give interviews or speak on podcasts. The 52-year-old actor took to Instagram and shared a picture with a caption, detailing the reasons behind her decision. “Dear friends, to everyone asking me for a podcast or interview, my response is the same: I prefer to spend that time enjoying with my family or writing scripts rather than giving interviews for free,” Javeria wrote on the post. Continuing the post, the host said that as creators monetise their content, she will be focusing on paid opportunities that align with her values. “I talk to my fans on my YouTube channel and answer their questions there,” she concluded her post. Javeria has appeared in many Pakistani dramas including Geo TV’s Yeh Zindagi Hai in which she played a protagonist Jameela which ran from 2008 to 2013. She is set to appear in a new drama serial Mohabbat aur Mehangai which revolves around a family.