Bollywood actor-director Farhan Akhtar dubbed Ranbir Kapoor’s last year blockbuster ‘Animal’ as ‘problematic’. In a new interview with an Indian journalist, Farhan Akhtar spoke about the Box Office failure of his film ‘Lakshya’, as he shared his views on the massive success of a controversial film like ‘Animal’ on the other hand. Without mincing his words, the ‘Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara’ actor said, “Honestly the film didn’t work for me.” He continued, “I thought Ranbir’s performance was really good. The background score was used amazingly well. And one thing I have to admit is that Sandeep made the film that he was set out to make, which is commendable.” “But personally, the film didn’t do much for me. Is it something that I would recommend somebody to watch, I guess not,” he added. When asked if he had the opportunity, would he back the film under his banner, Akhtar maintained, “No, I won’t. It doesn’t resonate with me. For me, I feel that the character is problematic.” It is worth noting here that filmmaker Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s neo-noir action thriller, starring Ranbir Kapoor, was one of the highest-grossing films of 2023. However, despite the major commercial success, the title drew polarizing reactions from critics, with many calling it misogynistic, like previous ventures of the filmmaker, including ‘Arjun Reddy’ and ‘Kabir Singh’. On the other hand, Akhtar’s sophomore directorial ‘Lakshya’, starring Hrithik Roshan, emerged as a Box Office failure upon release in 2004, however, the coming-of-the-age war drama gained a cult following later.