The Lahore High Court Rawalpindi Bench, led by Justice Raza Qureshi, conducted a hearing on the petition concerning the disappearance of former Deputy Superintendent Adiala Jail, Muhammad Akram. During the session, the Additional Attorney General asserted that the missing officer is not in the custody of agencies. An affidavit of ignorance was also submitted by the CPO, denying any knowledge of the Deputy Superintendent’s whereabouts. The Ministry of Defence presented a written statement, while senior officials from the IB, Police, and other agencies submitted affidavits, unanimously declaring that Muhammad Akram is not in the custody of any provincial or federal authority. In a decisive move, the court ordered the CPO to personally record the statement of the current Superintendent of Adiala Jail and delve deeper into the matter. The FIR related to the case has already been registered, but the court is now questioning the necessity of further hearings. The proceedings were adjourned until August 27, with the court seeking additional arguments from the petitioner’s side. The courtroom saw the presence of representatives from all relevant agencies, alongside government lawyers and the petitioners.