Pakistani actor and model Emmad Irfani, known for his work in popular dramas like Cheekh, Jaan E Jahan and Kabhi Main Kabhi Tum, has shared a deeply personal and emotional account of the tragic loss of his young son, Zaviyar Irfani. In a recent appearance on a show, Emmad Irfani candidly discussed the heart-wrenching experience of losing his son and the ongoing process of healing. Irfani, who has been a prominent figure in Pakistan’s entertainment industry for years, has captivated audiences with his performances both on-screen and on the runway. His recent drama, Kabhi Main Kabhi Tum, has also been well-received by fans. During the show, Irfani reflected on the profound grief he has endured and how he is navigating this challenging period. His openness about the tragedy and his journey toward healing has touched many and brought attention to the emotional struggles that come with such a loss. Talking about his son, Emmad said, “Yes, his death did affect my work. And I will just say don’t cry because it’s worse, smile because it just happened. He was an angel sent from the heavens. He came for a specific time, he wanted to tell me to make something out of yourself, before that I was off track, I think he taught me a lot of things towards life before that I was snowboarding through life, after becoming father, I realised why I exist and I think that this is the power of true unconditional love that you become better, you work on yourself, you realise that there are the people who depend on you. I think I am not the same person anymore, my perspective towards life has changed after his death. It is a big setback and this wound will never heal but I found out that the work is therapeutic and one can move on in life through his work. Work and time have a healing power”.