Bollywood superstar Salman Khan and his torn shoes at an outing are the talk of social media today, with netizens divided in their opinions. Bollywood A-lister and a true family man, the ‘Tiger 3’ star recently made an appearance at the screening of his niece, Alizeh Agnihotri’s debut movie ‘Farrey’ to show his support. While Salman Khan carried his unmatchable swag in a polo shirt and crisp pants, it was his tattered pair of black leather shoes which caught all the attention of social users and caused a frenzy among the Bhai fans. While a number of fans were bowled over by his simplicity in wearing an old, faded and worn-out pair of shoes despite being a millionaire, a section of social users joked about it and called it the beginning of a new fashion era. Reacting to the viral pictures, a social user wrote, “Amir itna bno ki… Jab tum fatta hua pehno to log majburi nahi simplicity kahe (Be so rich in life that when you wear torn outfits, people call you simple and not poor),” while another commented, “Are bhai wo fashion he selmon bhai ka whi joota being human me 20,000 ka milega dekhna (That is his style. That same shoe will sell for INR20,000 at Being Human).” Someone even joked, “Bhai mannat maang rkhi hai jab tak shadi nhi hogi tab tk naya shoes nhi pehnu ga (He’s made a promise to himself that he will wear only old shoes until he gets married).” Recently, the actor also addressed the superstar tag associated with him when he confessed that he never felt that way, nor did he have any such habits. “The way I travel, the way I dress, there is nothing I do that speaks superstar. My mind is not tuned that way. Nothing about me is any superstarry. Nothing at all. I don’t think Salman Khan is a superstar,” Khan said.