Seasoned actor Maria Wasti shared a life hack in her latest reel going viral on social media sites. Maria Wasti took to her Instagram account on Monday afternoon with a new montage reel, sharing a good piece of advice for a peaceful life. “Break down se pehley (before the breakdown) ….. Just take a break! or your Brakes will fail,” read the text overlay on her selfie video, featuring several glimpses probably from her day out. She added the trending song ‘Pardes Katenda’ by Pakistani vocalist Adnan Dhool in the background of the reel and posted the video without any caption, except for a few hashtags. The viral reel was played by thousands of her followers on Gram within a couple of hours and received several likes and comments for the celebrity. Meanwhile, on the work front, Wasti was last seen in ARY Digital’s blockbuster daily serial ‘Mayi Ri’, headlined by young actors Aina Asif and Samar Abbas Jafri. The ensemble cast of the Meesam Nazar Naqvi directorial also featured Nauman Ijaz, Maya Khan, Sajida Syed, Hiba Ali Khan, Saad Faridi, Paras Masroor, Amna Malik, Usman Mazhar and Diya Mughal.