Child abuse has been an issue in Pakistan for decades, but the recent facts are showing the horrible realities of our society. A recent report shows that during the first five months of this year, almost 1390 incidents happened in Pakistan. One point to remember is that these are reported cases, so many cases are unheard. A very important point is that this time the major percentage is not of girls, but of boys, as 69 percent of them are boys and 31 percent are girls. It will be shocking for the people as they never consider the abuse with boys seriously. We as a society have associated dignity and respect with girls only. One question I want to ask is, what about boys’ respect? If it continues, mental health and the behaviours in our society will be destroyed. There is a stereotyping in South Asian societies that boys do not cry or feel sad as they symbolize strength, but why? Are they not humans? We have also snatched the rights of males in society; boys mock each other over the abuse in gatherings, which is completely insane. I believed in one thing from the first-day abuse and violence have nothing to do with gender; it is deliberately inculcated in us that it is gender-based; for example, if a robbery happens to a male or female, does it make any difference for the police or the constitution to act accordingly? No, it will not! Then, why are these heinous crimes of abuse, violence and rape? We all need to understand that no minor or adult deserves this. Unfortunately, there is a huge lack of public discourse in our country. People are unaware of their rights and how much Society has been damaged and treacherous. In this Society’s beliefs and standards, boys do not even tell anyone what has happened to them; in the cases of children, parents and schools do not teach the children what a bad and good touch is. There was no education for the generations of parents as well. Moreover, if someone wants to take a step forward, the police station’s culture and humiliation are unbearable; mostly, people in authority are part of this crime, so nobody is ready to take some serious steps. Proper counselling centres should exist for the victims and the culprit, as this game will not stop otherwise. Consider it a serious issue, or finish the spark of minors! The choice is yours.