It might not be popular, but Brexit has made the public sector pay cap necessary on July 3, 2017As ever, economics doesn’t get much of a look-in in the current debate about public sector pay. For a start there’s an excess of emotionalism about brave public servants such as those in the NHS, the police and fire service who have had to deal with the aftermath of terrorist murder and the Grenfell Tower […]
Next year lets ban the Easter Sunday bank holiday for good on April 24, 2017Easter as we all know has its charming rituals. The Easter eggs. The confected rage about supermarkets selling Easter eggs that aren’t labelled Easter. Rubbish films on the BBC (they should just schedule The Great Escape, Mary Poppins, Wallace and Gromit and The Wizard of Oz successively over the four afternoons, declare it tradition and […]
The global financial destruction to happen under President Trump has already begun on November 14, 2016Donald Trump promised “Brexit times 50”, and it looks like he was right. In a bad way. Just as the shock result of the British referendum on membership of the European Union pushed the pound down to thirty-year lows against other currencies, now the election of President Trump is seeing a huge sell-off of dollar […]